ULEZ & Electric Cars
An echo revolution
When it comes to our day to day tasks, the recent times have seen a constant rise in the search for greener alternatives. Cars and other vehicles are no exemption to it and with the implementation of the Ultra Low Emission Zone many drivers found themselves to be forced to switch from their usual diesel or gas car to a more echo friendly alternative, that's why many Londoners have turned to electric vehicles.
The Ultra Low Emission Zone or more simply ULEZ was implemented in 2019 by London's Mayor Khan. The main reason behind it was environmental, London happened to be one of the most polluted cities in Europe and with a rising population that today stands at 9 million people, measures needed to be taken.ULEZ covers all areas within the North and South circular zones and is active everyday of the year except of Christmas, drivers which vehicle don't meet the ULEZ requirement are forced to pay £12.50 daily.
Although the initiative is righteous and very helpful for the environment, many drivers, especially people that drive for a living had to complain about the measure. Erjon Cani, 33 from Albania, works as a minicab driver and about the measure had to say: " the mayor is right for implementing this measure but for me is a problem, because every time I drive in central London I have to pay the ULEZ tax, I understand that it's for the environment but I think that the government has to help us in this case, I don't make enough money to afford a Tesla".
Ionut Dumitru is a 25 year old student from Romania that lives inside the ULEZ zone, about the initiative he said : " I feel like the initiative is very positive, I think that is important to preserve our planet before it's too late, ULEZ is a small step towards a greater goal. It's also true that London is expensive and an extra tax on cars is not very helpful for the citizen".
The common sentiment about the ULEZ zone are contrasting but like Ionut said, ULEZ is a small step towards a greater goal, Tesla is not the only manufacturer that produces electric cars nowadays and companies are making electric vehicles more affordable for the common citizen, the future is far from diesel and gas and this might be a good news for our planet.
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